Solutions and Services

Offset Well Monitoring

Cadabra Sense is the leading offset well monitoring company. Our lightweight, portable, wireless solution allows us to set up in only a few minutes, and run smaller trucks. Our small footprint not only allows us to install, service, and retrieve equipment with little to no disruption, but it allows us to offer a top-end, leading solution at competitive costs.

Abra's solution will keep you in regulatory compliance with AER Directive 083 and Energy Safety Canada's IRP 24

Mini Frac (aka. DFIT)

Cadabra Sense is prepared and experienced to assist clients with Diagnostic Fracture Injection Test (Mini-Frac) monitoring. Valuable information can be obtained through analysis, including the hydraulic fracture closure pressure and reservoir flow properties.

Hydrostatic Tests

Cadabra's advanced pressure monitoring solution assists clients with monitoring a variety of hydrostatic tests, including: Pipeline Integrity Tests, Blowout Prevention (BOP) Tests, and any other pressure-related events.

Regulatory compliance requirements will differ based on application. Examples include: AER Directive 077 and AER Directive 036.

Software and Charts

  • Faster Sample Rates: Cadabra's solution allows users to sample as many as 50 readings/second
  • Customizable Alarms: Set early warning and critical alarm notifications
  • Shift Selection: Send notifications to the appropriate shift leader
  • Notification Preferences: Users can select email or text message notifications (voice call coming soon)
  • Smart Charts: View multiple wells on a single chart with lightning fast loading speeds

Data Analytics

  • We offer a robust alarm system and our solutions provide clients with highly sought after data and accurate records of various field-level events.
  • Upon job completion, data will be sent to clients in PDF and CSV format for later analysis and review.
  • An Executive Summary, created in collaboration with clients, highlights the importance of captured data.


Cadabra Sense offers offset well monitoring services that are Directive 083 and IRP 24 compliant.

  • Real time warnings and alarms.
  • Produce accurate records of events for audit purposes.
  • Demonstrate legal due diligence.

Data Aggregation

Spending 80% of your time aggregating data?

  • HOW YOU WANT IT—Aggregate data by: complete data sets, stage number(s), one or all sources, or anywhere in-between.
  • WHEN YOU WANT IT—Access to data is unparalleled at Cadabra Sense. Get your aggregated data in real time at anytime in seconds rather than hours, days or weeks.
  • WHERE YOU WANT IT—Access and view data on your phone or internet connected mobile device in real time where ever you are in the world. This also applies if you want us to stream it in real time directly to your server.

Learn more, see it live!

Learn more, see it live!

Equipment Features

Wireless Sensors
  • Reliable, accurate data without the hazards and inconveniences of wired solutions.
  • Pressure sensors for low and high pressure ranges.
All-in-One Portable Solution
  • Exceptional 4G connectivity, long lasting power supply, and a fraction of the footprint allows for rapid deployment and job integrity confidence.
Real Time
  • React instantly to important events.
  • Stream data in real time on any mobile device, from anywhere in the world.
Cost Effective
  • We diligently work on our pricing strategy to offer big value at competitive prices.
Data Backup at the Sensor
  • Unlike previous technologies where memory was stored at the RTU, Cadabra Sense uses memory storage at the sensor to eliminate the risk of missing data.



A division of Abra Controls Inc. Copyright 2023